AACS is highly experienced in the scoping and evaluation of Cargo operations, we have real-life experience in the following areas of operation. We have provided a total solution for major freight companies with large domestic network and international long haul operations…
Aviation security can be divided into a number of parts from Airport Security and the Security of aircraft and its operations and its supporting infrastructure. At AACS we have a vast amount of experience, from working with QinetiQ on advanced Airport security equipment to the support of military operations in the Pacific…
AACLTD team is highly experienced at investigating aircraft accidents and incidents with 20 years experience and 40 plus investigation conducted to date.
Our clients range from aircraft owners to large commercial operators and major insurance companies, many of which operate both globally and domestically. Our investigators are both academically qualified and have many years practical operational experience to support their findings…
Business plans and management models
Operational costings and templates
Aircraft operational costings
Regulatory compliance costings
At AACSLTD we have a vest amount of experience, this will allow us to pass on to you proficiency in evaluating, designing and modelling airports, airspace classes, boundaries and air traffic flow, utilising state of the art fast time simulation programs. We can also provide innovative design solutions for airports, airspace and air routes we can provide the implementation of appropriate technology and procedures… Learn More
ATM Services – experience
- Terminal Control Unit &Tower Management Experience
- International Tower manager
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Airspace Procedures and Pans Ops Design
- Aeronautical Data Management Systems Specialist – production and design of airspace, SIDs, STARs, Instrument Approach, air routes and enroute airspace architecture including flex tracks and user preferred routes
- Procedures design for Global Positioning System Non Precision arrivals procedures
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Airspace Risk Modelling & Analysis Experience
- Airspace capacity, analysis and design
- Development of the Airspace Risk Model (ARM)
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Example of Services and Expertise
ICAO Universal Oversight Audi Program USOP)
- Nigeria and Australia
- Competency based Pilot standard
- Re-writing of the Australian Governments Aviation Legislations
- Regulatory roles
- SMS and HF etc
wo of the AACSLTD consultants are regarded as the world leading experts on the development and design of Aviation Self Administration Systems. The management systems is process driven with clearly defined outcomes and contains a risk based safety management system built in to its structure.
What is Self-Admin
Self-Admin is the administration of a sector within the aviation industry, by a representative body on behalf of the regulator. It is usually done by using a delegated authority approving the functions, tasks, role and responsibilities set out in the industry bodies Exposition and Self Administration Manual (ESAM) approved and agreed to by the Regulator.