Aerospace & Aviation Consulting Services Ltd

Experience at work

About Us

AACS is a highly experienced team of consultants and executives with over 30 years within the aviation industry giving them a global reach obtained from real experience in aviation. We are recognised for providing real-world solutions and advice which can only be obtained with our experience within the aviation industry. Our team have led hundreds of advisory engagements from flying schools, airlines passenger and freight operations to military operational support and business jet operations.

Our Partners

Why Choose Us?

  • Aerospace and Aviation Consulting Services is a United Kingdom-based company with a global track record of exceeding our customer’s expectations.
  • Aerospace and Aviation Consulting Services for the past 30 years has specialised in consulting to the aviation industry conducting assignments throughout the world.
  • Aerospace and Aviation Consulting Services carried out consultancy and developed a great relationship with several Domestic and International Airlines, Airports, and  Universities and Academic institutes, Aircraft Manufacturers, Investment Banks, Government Agencies, and several Civil Aviation Authorities, MRO’s and Cargo Operators.
  • Aerospace and Aviation Consulting Services has been able to pull off many worlds first in aircraft operations because of its respected relationship with several regulators and proven safety record in operations.
  • Aerospace and Aviation Consulting Services professionals have real-world experience with a record of high level operational managerial and regulatory success.
  • Aerospace and Aviation Consulting Services works for its clients and will always provide independent and impartial advice with the highest standards of quality and integrity.

Contact Details

UK: Stephen Crocker. +44 (0)7930 654075

Australia: Ian Dix. +61 (0) 401 463 687

Russia: Alex Ognev.

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